Little Blue NRD

Protecting Lives. Protecting Property. Protecting the Future. 

NRD News

Regular Board Meeting – September 10th, 2024
The Little Blue NRD Board of Directors meeting starts at 7:00 pm, September 10th, 2024 in Davenport, Nebraska at the headquarters Board Meeting Room located on the south side of the building, east door. Little Blue Natural Resources District is an Equal Opportunity...
Public Hearing I & II – September 10th, 2024
PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given, in compliance with the provisions of State Statute Sections 13-501 to 13-513, that the governing body will meet on the 10 day of September 2024, at 6:30 o'clock P.M., at Davenport, NE for the purpose of hearing support, opposition,...
Regular Board Meeting – August 13th, 2024
The Little Blue NRD Board of Directors meeting starts at 7:00 pm, August 13th, 2024 in Davenport, Nebraska at the headquarters Board Meeting Room located on the south side of the building, east door. Little Blue Natural Resources District is an Equal Opportunity...

Upcoming Events

The week's events

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
August 19, 2018
August 20, 2018(1 event)

5:00 pm: Crop Science Investigation (CSI): Estimating Yields

August 20, 2018

Aug. 20:  Crop Science Investigation (CSI): Estimating Yields, 5-6 p.m., RSVP

August 21, 2018
August 22, 2018(1 event)

8:00 am: Midwest Soybean Production Clinic

August 22, 2018

See a growing season in one place!  This event includes plots with soybean growth and development at a range of vegetative/reproductive growth stages. Last year’s participants valued the clinic at $10.21 per acre in knowledge gained.

Nebraska Extension’s Aug. 22 Midwest Soybean Production Clinic and Aug. 23 Midwest Corn Production Clinic will provide an in-field opportunity for participants to work with crops in the early vegetative stages of growth through maturity.

“Agribusiness professionals and crop producers will take a close-up look at field conditions, research, and techniques at the University of Nebraska’s Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics,” said Nebraska Extension Educator Keith Glewen. “The clinics provide opportunities for hands-on interaction.”

Soybean clinic topics include cultural practices; genetics/agronomics; insect management; plant pathology; soil fertility; and weed management.

Corn clinic topics include cultural practices; genetics/production; insect damage; plant pathology; soil fertility; and weed science.

Registration begins at 8 a.m. both days, and the clinics run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Participants will meet at the August N. Christenson Research and Education Building at the university’s Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Mead.

A total of 8 Certified Crop Adviser credits (crop management – 2, nutrient management – 2, and pest management - 4) have been applied for and are pending approval for each clinic. Participants will earn 16 credits by attending both days.

Early registration is recommended to reserve a seat (limit 60) and resource materials. Cost for one clinic is $95 for those registering one week in advance and $120 after.  Special pricing is available for those registering for both clinics - $150 by Aug. 17, $200 after. We offer a money back guarantee of your registration fee if you’re not satisfied with the training.

For more information or to register, contact the Nebraska Extension CMDC Programs, 1071 County Road G, Ithaca, NE 68033, call (800) 529-8030, fax (402) 624-8010, e-mail or visit

8 total CCA credits applied for and pending (2-Crop Mgt., 2-Nutr. Mgt., and 4-Pest Mgt)

Held at a site developed exclusively for the clinics, the expertise of University and industry agricultural specialists and professionals is drawn upon to provide the latest, most up-to-date information. Presentations include hands-on-activities or field demonstrations in small groups to encourage interaction between presenter and participants. Benefits of the Crop Management summer training include one-on-one attention, actual on-site plot demonstrations, and beneficial interaction with other participants. The small manageable groups promote interaction between presenters and participants.

Additional Public Info:


August 23, 2018(2 events)

8:00 am: Midwest Corn Production Clinic

August 23, 2018

See a growing season in one place! Includes plots with corn growth and development at a range of vegetative/reproductive growth stages. Last year’s participants valued the clinic at $9.55 per acre in knowledge gained.

Nebraska Extension’s Aug. 22 Midwest Soybean Production Clinic and Aug. 23 Midwest Corn Production Clinic will provide an in-field opportunity for participants to work with crops in the early vegetative stages of growth through maturity.

“Agribusiness professionals and crop producers will take a close-up look at field conditions, research and techniques at the University of Nebraska’s Crop Management Diagnostic Clinics,” said Nebraska Extension Educator Keith Glewen. “The clinics provide opportunities for hands-on interaction.”

Soybean clinic topics include: cultural practices; genetics/agronomics; insect management; plant pathology; soil fertility; and weed management.

Corn clinic topics include: cultural practices; genetics/production; insect damage; plant pathology; soil fertility; and weed science.

Registration begins at 8 a.m. both days and the clinics run from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Participants will meet at the August N. Christenson Research and Education Building at the university’s Eastern Nebraska Research and Extension Center near Mead.

A total of 8 Certified Crop Adviser credits (crop management – 2, nutrient management – 2, and pest management - 4) have been applied for and are pending approval for each clinic. Participants will earn 16 credits by attending both days.

Early registration is recommended to reserve a seat (limit 60) and resource materials. Cost for one clinic is $95 for those registering one week in advance and $120 after. Special pricing is available for those registering for both clinics - $150 by Aug. 17, $200 after. We offer a money back guarantee of your registration fee if you’re not satisfied with the training.

For more information or to register, contact the Nebraska Extension CMDC Programs, 1071 County Road G, Ithaca, NE 68033, call (800) 529-8030, fax (402) 624-8010, e-mail or visit

8 total CCA credits applied for and pending (2-Crop Mgt., 2-Nutr. Mgt., and 4-Pest Mgt)

Held at a site developed exclusively for the clinics, the expertise of University and industry agricultural specialists and professionals is drawn upon to provide the latest, most up-to date information. Presentations include hands-on-activities or field demonstrations in small groups to encourage interaction between presenter and participants. Benefits of the Crop Management summer training include one-on-one attention, actual on-site plot demonstrations, and beneficial interaction with other participants. The small manageable groups promote interaction between presenters and participants.


8:00 am: Water and Crops Field Day Aug. 23 in North Platte

August 23, 2018

Nebraska Extension, the Ogallala Water Project and the Nebraska Water Balance Alliance will host a water and crops field day Aug. 23 at the West Central Research and Extension Center, 402 W. State Farm Road, North Platte. “Partnering with producers & industry – tackling today’s challenges and tomorrow’s opportunities” is the theme for this educational event focused on innovative and practical crop management solutions.

Educators and specialists from Nebraska Extension as well as Kansas, Colorado and Texas, will address water issues that may affect your farming operation. Topics will include water management, economics, and agronomic principles. Approximately 30 commercial vendors will be providing live product demonstrations.

“Water is one of Nebraska’s most valuable resources,” said Extension Educator Chuck Burr. “This field day will give those interested in water a chance to learn about irrigation practices and cropping systems on a farm scale that can maintain or increase crop production while conserving water.”

The event will also showcase the University of Nebraska–Lincoln’s Testing Ag Performance Solutions (UNL-TAPS) competition. The second annual farm management competition features producers competing against each other, along with University scientists, to manage center pivot-irrigated corn and sorghum for the 2018 growing season. Contestants make production and management decisions for individual plots, including irrigation scheduling, nitrogen management, hybrid selection, plant population, grain marketing and risk management. Come and learn from some of the best corn and sorghum growers in Nebraska.

Field site tours in the afternoon will allow attendees to choose which management strategies and equipment they want to learn more about by visiting with experts.

The event is free. Registration is requested by Aug. 20 for planning and food purposes.


August 24, 2018(1 event)

All Day: Nebraska State Fair

All Day
August 24, 2018 September 3, 2018

Nebraska State Fair, Grand Island, NE


August 25, 2018(1 event)

All Day: Nebraska State Fair

All Day
August 24, 2018 September 3, 2018

Nebraska State Fair, Grand Island, NE
