
Buffer Strips

Croplands adjacent to perennial and seasonal streams, ponds, and wetlands can be enrolled in the buffer strip program.  This program is designed to filter agrichemicals such as fertilizer and pesticides before they enter surface and groundwater supplies.

Land eligible for enrollment in this program is cropland adjacent to perennial streams, intermittent streams, wetlands, or permanent bodies of water or existing buffer strips established after January 1, 1996, along with these areas.

The contract length is not less than five or more than ten years. The payment rate differs from dryland to irrigated cropland.

More Information (source Nebraska Department of Agriculture)

For more information on the Nebraska, Strip Program visit the Nebraska Department of Ag Buffer Strip Website or contact Erika Brinegar of the Little Blue NRD.


Cost-Share Page – More Information

Cost-Share Book

Nebraska NSWCP & Little Blue NRD Eligible Practices Maximum Cost Share
NC-1 Terrace Systems 60%
NC-2 Terrace Underground Outlets 60%
NC-3 Water Impoundment Dams 60%
NC-4 Grade Stabilization Structures 60%
NC-6 Diversions 60%
NC-7 Grassed Waterways 60%
NC-8 Water & Sediment Control Basin 60%
NC-9 Dugouts for Livestock Wate 60%
NC-10 Pasture Planting & Range Seeding 60%
NC-11 Critical Area Planting (Grass) 60%
NC-12 Windbreaks 60%
NC-14 Planned Grazing Systems 60%
NC-16 Windbreak Renovation 60%
NC-16 Windbreak Renovation 60%
Little Blue Soil & Water Conservation Practices  
LB-21 A Buried Pipe (from Well to Pivot Point, only when converting Gravity System to Pivot.) 50%
  • NRCS design required.
  • No less than 10 acres may be developed under this cost-share practice.
  • No more than 10% of land under the pivot system is to be newly irrigated land
LB-21 B New Well Incentive Option (As an alternative to the buried pipeline) 50%
Water Quality Practices (Nebraska Water Quality Fund)  
WQ-23 Low Angle Sprinklers or Drop Nozzles 50% – Max $1,000
     (NRCS design regulators required, conversions only, not new)  
WQ-25 Chemical & Fertilizer Applicator Control System 50%
     ($1,100 for Meter & $175 for Manifold)  
WQ-28 Nitrogen Inhibitor Equipment Practice 50% up to $2,000
WQ-30 Variable Rate Irrigation (Zone Control Equipment Only) 50% up to $3,500
WQ -31 Complete Soil -Health Test Up to $60 per composite sample, up to $240 per producer
WQ-32 Well Decommissioning 75% up to $500
WQ-33 Chemigation Equipment Program Incentive Assistance 50% up to $1,500
Only Water Quantity Practices – LBNRD Funding  
Irrigation Management Incentive Program – I 50% – Up to $600
Irrigation Management Incentive Program – II 50% – up to $1,000
Irrigation Flow Meter to Remote Read – III 50% – up to $1,000

*Operators may receive up to $10,000 per tract in a 2-year period.

Dam Program
Dam Program Page – More Information

Rates: The NRD’s Cost – Share rate on all private dams is 75% of eligible costs. The maximum the Little Blue NRD will payout is $50,000. In each case, cost-share will be based on the actual final quantities installed, multiplied by the lesser of the County’s Average Cost or the Actual Unit Cost submitted by the contractor.

Details – Document
Municipal Water System Program
Municipal Water System Page

Details & Application

This program is intended to provide assistance to communities for improvements in their water system to mitigate the impacts of non-point source groundwater contamination for the protection and public health of the community’s residents. The reasons for system improvements must be related to the impacts of contamination from pollution sources that are non-point in nature, not from point source contamination. General modification, improvement, or expansion of a water well or distribution system are not eligible activities.


Assistance may be applied to any or all of the following purposes:

  • Engineering assistance to determine to best alternatives for water system improvements;
  • Assistance in well location identification;
  • Assistance in water source development if a new well or other sources of water is necessary because of non-point pollution;
  • Water treatment if required due to non-point pollution.


The District will provide financial assistance to the city or village not to exceed 50% of the project and based on $20 per capita of community population derived from the most recent Federal census. A 50% local match is required. Financial assistance may be provided over a period of up to five years, depending on the total amount of the request by the community. A community may not apply for funding through the Municipal Water System Assistance Program more often than once every ten years.

Total funding for this practice will be limited to the amount budgeted for the program annually by the Board of Directors, considering District budgetary obligations. The NRD reserves the right to evaluate and screen requests and prioritize requests based on the urgency of needs or administrative orders issued to the community by Ne HHS

Outdoor Classroom
Outdoor Classroom Page

Details and Application

The Outdoor Classroom Grant Program is to promote awareness and ownership of our natural resources in primary and secondary schools within the Little Blue NRD area (all of Thayer, parts of Adams, Clay, Fillmore, Nuckolls, Jefferson, and Webster counties).


  • Monies totaling no more than two hundred dollars ($200) can be requested by teachers for the purpose of acquiring materials needed for conducting Environmental Educational exercises and construction projects on school grounds.
    • The District will also make available free seedlings, grass drills, grass, and other possible materials.
      • The Little Blue NRD will provide technical and planning assistance if needed and has free tree stock available until April of each year.
Tree Program
Tree Program Page – More Information

Hand Plant Order Form – Fillable

Hand Plant Order Form – Printable

*Call NRCS for District Planting Plants

Contacts for More Information

Adams County NRCS – (402) 462-5412, ext. 3

Clay/Nuckolls County NRCS – (402) 762-3569, ext. 3

Fillmore County NRCS – (402) 759-4017, ext. 3

Jefferson County NRCS – (402) 729-6134, ext. 3

Thayer County NRCS – (402) 768-6228, ext. 3

Webster County NRCS – (402) 746-2268, ext. 3

Urban Conservation
Urban Conservation Program – More Information

More Details & Application

Acceptable Projects:

  • Development and Improvement of Recreation and Public-Use Lakes
  • Permanent Grade Stabilization Structures
  • Stormwater Management Facilities (detention structures, improved channels)
  • Diversions and Terraces
  • Permanent Critical Area Seeding and Mulching ($100/acre maximum)
  • Grassed Waterways
  • Whatever LBNRD Board sees as an acceptable Projects
  • NOTE: An enclosed storm sewer is not an eligible project


The LBNRD Board of Directors will evaluate each project and determine the cost-share on a project-by-project basis. The District’s cost-share rate shall be $20.00 per capita population, not to exceed 50% of the project’s total cost. However, the District’s contribution shall not be less than $500 nor more than the maximum of $50,000. However, the Board shall use discretion to determine the public benefits to be received and the appropriate cost-share level. The Applicant shall be limited to applying for funds once every five years.

Urban Parks & Recreation
Urban Park & Recreational Trails Program Page – More Information

Details & Application

Eligible Projects Components:

  • Development and Improvement of Recreation and Public-Use Lakes
  • Permanent Grade Stabilization Structures
  • Stormwater Management Facilities (detention structures, improved channels)
  • Diversions and Terraces
  • Permanent Critical Area Seeding and Mulching ($100/acre maximum)
  • Grassed Waterways
  • Recreation Trails


The LBNRD cost-share limitations: The District’s cost-share rate shall be $10.00 per capita population, not to exceed 50% of the project’s total cost; however, the District’s contribution shall be not less than $500 nor more than the maximum of $50,000. The LBNRD Board has the authority to modify the dollar contributions based on the community’s best interest and the benefits provided. The Applicant shall be limited to applying for funds once every five years. All applications submitted by the deadline will be evaluated and ranked by the committee based on their merits and enhancement of overall District goals. Total funds available for distribution will be limited to annual District budgetary allocations for this program.