The Little Blue Natural Resources District is in search of persons interested in serving as a local conservation policy maker on the district’s Board of Directors. 

The vacant Sub-district #5 includes parts of south Hastings, the towns of Glenvil, Fairfield, Deweese, and Nelson. Refer to the map on the Little Blue NRD’s website at or find it on Facebook by searching “Little Blue Natural Resources District”.

The candidate selected will fill the remaining term through December 2022. If the selected candidate wishes to serve on the board past December 2022 they will have to file as a write-in candidate on or before October 28th, 2022. The only eligibility criteria is that the prospective applicant must reside within the boundaries of the sub-district and that they are a registered voter.  An interest in the management of our soil and water resources and the environment is desirable.

For more information in the vacant board position, please contact the NRD office in Davenport or email General Manager Scott Nelson at For those interested please submit a letter of interest to Scott Nelson to the email provided above on or before July 8th, 2022 and plan to attend the July 11th, 2022 board meeting at 7 p.m. when action to fill the position is expected to take place.

Little Blue Natural Resources District

100 E. 6th Street, Davenport, NE. 68335

Phone: (402) 525-2544