The Little Blue NRD Board of Directors will hold a Regular Meeting at 7:00 pm on August 11, 2020, in Davenport, Nebraska at the headquarters Board Meeting Room located on the south side of the building, east door.

Little Blue Natural Resources District is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.  Handicapped individuals requiring physical or sensory accommodations to participate in the meeting should notify the district at 402.364.2145 at least two days in advance of the meeting.


Printable Agenda

  1. Call Meeting to Order – Marlin Kimle
  2. Roll Call of Directors
  3. Note: The Open Meetings Act is posted by the west door.
  4. Publications of Board Meeting Notice
  5. Action to Adopt Board Meeting Agenda
  6. Action to Approve Consent Agenda Items
    1. Acceptance of Board Member Absences
    2. Approval of Minutes of July 14, 2020 Board Meeting
  7. Action to Approve Treasurer’s Report – Jay Meyer
  8. Agency Report
    1. NARD Report-Lyle Heinrichs
  9. Executive Committe
    1.  LID exception
    2.  Approve 20-21 FY Budget
  10. Public Comment – Public comments may be made at this time. This is a telemeeting so comments can be made by phone; however, no board action can be taken at this meeting unelss determined to be an emergency item, in accordance with the Nebraska Open Meetings Law
  11. Other Business – Opportunity to introduce an item for reference to a committee or placed on next month’s agenda.
  12. Adjourn