The Little Blue NRD Projects & Planning Committee will meet at 6:00 pm, June 4, 2020, in Davenport, Nebraska in the board room located in the Little Blue NRD office.
The Little Blue Natural Resources District is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Handicapped individuals requiring physical or sensory accommodations to participate in the meeting should notify the District Office (402-364-2145) at least two days in advance of the meeting.
- Motion to Approve Hubbell Drainage Project
- Motion to Approve Shickley Drainage Project
- Motion to Approve Edgar Drainage Project
- Motion to Approve Reynolds Drainage Project
- Motion to Approve Carleton Drainage Project
- Motion to Approve Alexandria Drainage Project
- Update on Dave Mazour Dam Cost-Share Money. No action needed
- Discussion and Possible Action on the Urban Conservation Cost-Share Program
- Action to Approve Contractor for the ADA Sidewalk at Prairie Lake
- Discussion on Larry Mussman’s Lone star Land Proposal. No Action Needed
- Other Business
Budget Meeting
- Budget meeting for Projects & Planning and Information & Education to follow the committee meeting