The Little Blue NRD Projects & Planning Committee meeting was held at 7 pm, May 7th, 2019, in Davenport, Nebraska in the committee room located in the Little Blue NRD office.
The Little Blue Natural Resources District is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer. Handicapped individuals requiring physical or sensory accommodations to participate in the meeting should notify the District Office (402-364-2145) at least two days in advance of the meeting.
- Discussion on field ponding issues from Sand Creek Weirs. (Brian Petersen)
- Discussion and possible action on FEMA funding for Sand Creek Weir rehab.
- Action on Sand Creek Weir repair costs.
- Action on ditch work for Villages of Reynolds, Belvidere and Hubbell.
- Discussion on K-Dike Corn stalks cleanup.
- Discussion on K-Dike ditch repairs and culvert replacement.
- Report on tree pile sinkholes at Prairie Lake.
- Discussion and possible action on transfer pipe cost-share program.
- Other Business