The Little Blue NRD Research & Education Committee held a meeting at 7 pm, April 4, 2019, in Davenport, Nebraska at the Little Blue NRD Board Meeting Room located on the south side of the building, east door.  

The Little Blue Natural Resources District is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer.  Handicapped individuals requiring physical or sensory accommodations to participate in the meeting should notify the District Office (402-364-2145) at least two days in advance of the meeting. 

Printable Agenda

  1. Action to Select Chairman & Vice-Chairman
  2. Operator Training Available through LBNRD Website
  3. Board Communication & Education
  4. Awarding Scholarships
  5. Master Plan & Resource Concerns Survey
  6. Recreation Area Fishing Tournament
  7. Tree Program Education
  8. Communication to public of stay if static water levels drop below 2016 baseline
  9. Public Outreach
  10. Board & Secretary District Tours
  11. Other Business
Minutes from Meeting