The Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA) was passed by the legislature earlier this year. This state program aims to provide incentives to producers for reducing the use of commercial fertilizers. The requirements of NiRIA are that producers verify a reduction in nitrogen fertilizer application rates as the lesser of 40 lbs./acre or 15% of their baseline application rate. Current statewide  funding for this program is one-million dollars.

Producers farming within Water Quality sub-areas (all colored areas on the map) are eligible to receive $15/acre, while those farming outside of those areas and certified to irrigate are eligible to receive $12/acre. Dryland farmers can also apply and are eligible to receive $10/acre.

Applications are due to the NRD by January 15th, 2025. Other guidance documents and further information can be found below.

Should you need any additional information or have any questions, please contact the NRD at 402-364-2145 and ask for Tyler or Alicia.

