Board Vacancies

LITTLE BLUE NRD SEEKS DIRECTORS The Little Blue Natural Resources District is seeking qualified individuals to serve as conservation policy makers on its Board of Directors. Open Positions: Sub-district 2, located in Hastings. Refer to the map on the Little Blue NRD’s...

Public Hearing – Tuesday, November 12th, 2024

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGNotice is hereby given that the Little Blue Natural Resources District (LBNRD) will hold a public hearing Tuesday, November 12th at 6:45 p.m., immediately preceding the full board meeting, in the LBNRD boardroom, located at 100 East 6th Street,...

Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act

The Nitrogen Reduction Incentive Act (NiRIA) was passed by the legislature earlier this year. This state program aims to provide incentives to producers for reducing the use of commercial fertilizers. The requirements of NiRIA are that producers verify a reduction in...