Fiscal Year 2022 Budget Approved

The Little Blue NRD Board of Directors approved the FY 2022 budget of $4,168,252 with a tax levy of .020879 at their September 14th meeting.  Included in this budget is the Rural Water Project North budget of $286,004, and the Rural Water Project South budget of...

Spring 2021 Water Levels

Spring water levels were completed this month.  Geologic Area 1 was up 0.49 feet, Geologic Area 2 up 0.28 feet.  Area 1 was up 0.44 last fall and that carried through to this spring; Area 2, the paleo-valley aquifer from Chester to Fairbury, was up 0.81 in the fall of...

New Election Subdistricts

These maps below will be the Little Blue NRD’s new subdistricts for the upcoming 2020 election. If you are considering running for the board of directors, please refer to these maps to determine in which subdistrict you reside.

Watershed Study Request for Qualifications

The Little Blue Natural Resources District invites you to submit qualifications for the professional engineering services related to the survey and conceptual design for potential projects to reduce flooding near Kenesaw, Nebraska. The study area just north of Kenesaw...

Fall Water Levels

2019 Fall Static Water Levels are up from the fall of 2018! Last year the fall colored water level map had changes that ranged from declines shown in red, and rises shown in blue.  This fall there was difficulty finding enough differing shades of blue to depict the water table rises across the district!  On the change map the weighted average rise for Geologic Unit 1 was +2.57, for Geologic Unit 2 the change was a +1.56.  This is the 2nd largest fall rise, the District averaged an increase of +3.20 feet from the fall of 1992 to 1993.

Nebraska Buffer Strip Program

Nebraska Buffer Strip Program

Croplands adjacent to perennial and seasonal streams, ponds and wetlands can be enrolled in the buffer strip program. This program is designed to filter agrichemicals such as fertilizer and pesticides before they enter surface and groundwater supplies.

Land eligible for enrollment in this program is cropland adjacent to perennial streams, intermittent streams, wetlands or permanent bodies of water or existing buffer strips established after January 1, 1996 along these areas.