Twin Valley Weed Management Area – Tree Programs Announced
The highly successful Eastern Republican and Little Blue Riparian Improvement Project continues ongoing efforts to eradicate invasive species, control vegetation in stream channels, and improve riparian habitat along the Republican and Little Blue Rivers and their tributaries within eight of the Twin Valley Weed Management Area (TVWMA) counties.
LBNRD Staff In The Field
This summer, you may have seen the Little Blue NRD vehicles out and about throughout the district. Ever wonder what they were doing?
Landowners in Big Sandy Watershed Eligible for Water Quality Funding
The USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service is working with landowners in the Big Sandy watershed to protect water quality. Funds are available to landowners within this watershed through the Water Quality Initiative to install conservation practices that improve water quality. The deadline to sign up for these funds has been extended to July 19. Landowners interested in applying for conservation practice funds should visit their local NRCS office.
Youth Fishing Tournament
The 2019 Little Blue Natural Resources District Youth Fishing Tournament at the Liberty Cove and Lone Star Recreation Areas kicked off Memorial Day Weekend! This tournament is to encourage youth and their families to embrace the outdoors and engage in the sport of fishing. This is a free tournament to all youth age fifteen and under at time of photo submission. No pre-registration is necessary. Thank you to our sponsors – Cabelas & Bass Pro Shops for the wonderful fishing poles!
Spring Static Water Levels Up in Little Blue NRD
In the spring of 2018, Geologic Area 1 was just a few inches from implementing a stay on well drilling and expansion of irrigated acres. Geologic Area 2 has had such a stay in place since 2006. However, 2018 fall levels were up, and fortunately, that did translate...
Registration Open for Water Jamboree
Registration is now open for the 2021 Water Jamboree to be held September 22nd & 23rd at Liberty Cove Recreation Area near Lawrence, Nebraska. This event is open to 5th & 6th-grade students in the counties of Adams, Clay, Fillmore, Jefferson, Nuckolls, Thayer & Webster.
Crystal Springs Gets Facelift
What happened to the trees at Crystal Springs? Crystal Springs is a 73-acre park located on the outskirts of Fairbury that offers camping, fishing, and other recreational activities. The spring-fed lakes provide a unique opportunity for open water during migration to...
Explore the Outdoors at ACE Camp
The 10th Anniversary edition of Adventure Camp about the Environment (ACE) is coming to the State 4-H Camp at the Nebraska National Forest near Halsey. ACE promises both fun and adventure while learning about the environment. The camp is sponsored by Nebraska’s Resources Districts and focuses on hands-on activities, including water resources, soil and land, forestry, range and grassland, wildlife and aquatics. ACE will be held Sunday, June 16 to Wednesday, June 19, 2019 and is open to students who have completed sixth, seventh, or eighth grade.
Conservation Awards
Please help us to honor those that have contributed towards a better environment! The Little Blue Natural Resources District is seeking nominations for our annual conservation awards! Please nominate cities, communities, producers, school groups, 4-H, FFA, scouting, church youth groups, and other organizations for their accomplishments in Environmental Conservation.
Household Hazardous Waste Collection Scheduled
Mark your calendars! Now is the time to clean out your garage, basement, and barn. The Trailblazer Resources Conservation and Development (RC&D), Little Blue NRD, Lower Republican NRD, as well as local county commissioners and supervisors will be sponsoring a...