Rural Water Project Water Rates Increase
Rates will have to be adjusted March 1st for water use due April 1st, 2019; we’ll be sending out a sticky label that one can put in the booklet with the new fees.These rates won’t be popular, but it is an economic decision that reflects fees that are being...
Fall 2018 Static Water Levels
The District is now using a weighted, rather than a straight line, average for recording spring and fall water levels. This method uses a mapping program to create a measured polygon shape around each well and multiplying the change in depth for the well within that...
Free Nitrate Testing
Did you know that the Little Blue Natural Resources District will test your drinking water for nitrates for FREE? Fill out a water sample request form below and we will send you a test kit.
LBNRD Offers College Scholarships
Little Blue Natural Resources District to offer six $500 scholarship to local high school senior and college junior students attending college to pursue a degree in a conservation or environmental field.
Little Blue NRD Seeks New General Manager
The Little Blue Natural Resources District is accepting resumes for a General Manager. This full-time position is the chief executive and supervising officer for the NRD. The General Manager reports to a 17-member elected Board of Directors and is responsible for managing the professional and technical staff in carrying out the natural resources programs, projects, policies and regulations authorized by the Board.
For Sale: 2006 Ford F150
The Little Blue Natural Resources District will accept bids for the cash purchases of a 2006 Ford F-150 ½ ton 4 door pickup, 4-wheel drive with automatic transmission. The vehicle currently has 146,040.2 miles on the odometer. VIN #1FTRF14V46NB10529. It can be...
Operator Trainings Start This Week
Little Blue NRD requires all farm operators in designated water quality subareas to attend operator training every four years. Crop consultants are also required to attend training and will receive CEU’s for participation.
NRD Wants Your Posters!
Little Blue NRD seeking posters to compete in national NACD poster contest. Submissions are due to Little Blue NRD by November 9th, 2018. This year’s theme: “Watersheds – Our Water, Our Home.”
NRD Board Elections Draw Near
In order for the public to get to know the candidates before they head to the polls, Little Blue Natural Resources District has contacted all candidates who are running for office in the 2018 election season. All candidates received the same questions. The following pdf is merely a compilation of their answers. If there is a particular question you would like to ask a candidate, we urge you to contact the candidate directly.
Irrigated Acre Certification Due January 1, 2019
Certified irrigated acres are due January 1st, 2019 to the Little Blue Natural Resources District office.