LBNRD Residents Recycle 45 Tons of E-Waste

Little Blue NRD residents collected over 45 tons of e-waste in a three-day event. A total of 129,365 pounds of e-waste was collected from seven locations across the Little Blue and Lower Republican NRDs.  

City of Fairbury – Water Violation Announced

The City of Fairbury was issued a violation by the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services on August 22, 2018.  The following letter was sent by Jeff Sweetser, Water Superintendent for the City of Fairbury, with the notice of violation put out by the NE DHHS....

Trailblazers RC&D to Hold Multi-County Electronic Recycling Events

Trailblazers RC&D is pleased to announce they have received a generous grant from the Nebraska Department of Environmental Quality and donations from the supervisors and commissioners from each of the participating counties to collect electronics at several different locations in both the Little Blue & Lower Republican Natural Resources Districts.